School has begun this month and I'm now in my final year Architectural & Interior Arts in high school - 1 year away from going to college to study Industrial Product Design - which also means that I've a lot of work to do, but because it has been a quite a long time since I posted I thought I'd let you know that I'm working on 2 assignments in school. Here's a sneak peak:
I know you might be thinking "what happened to Holiday House you were going to post?"
Holiday House is probably going to be postponed to autumn break because I was not able to find the rest of the pictures of it back from my old computer and then school begun and I had no time anymore for searching for the pictures. But don't worry, I'm currently working on 2 beautiful projects (Shelter+Marquise) and I post at least once a week an update about the process such as making a prototype maquette, making the bundle of the Marquise, ... on my new Instagram profile.
See you soon,